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LISTED steel fabrication and installation firm, Zeco Holdings Limited, has notified shareholders of the recent redirection of strategic focus, which has seen the company redirecting focus towards residential and commercial property development.
The company was incorporated in Zimbabwe by
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December 2021 marks five years since Amazon Web Services (AWS) set its UK datacentre region live, and in that time the US cloud giant has seemingly become the public sector’s go-to cloud provider.
Some of the biggest contracts the firm has accrued
Nevertheless, it can already be clearly seen that the Internet of Things (IoT) applications can enable improved production efficiency and quality.
One smart platform that utilizes IoT in the glass industry is Glaston Insight. The system brings you intelligent tools to improve the product
What areas of your process can be improved to make your operations more efficient? Are there any gaps you need to fill?
Often, issues that seem insignificant can, in fact, add up to considerable waste for the company. So, take the time to assess whether there are any weak points that nee
The earlier best performance of the Steel Plant in all these areas were achieved in the year 2019.
Rourkela: Rourkela Steel Plant (RSP), a unit of the Mahartana company SAIL, completed the 1st Quarter of Financial Year 2021-22 registering its best-ever production in key areas. During th
The James Webb Space Telescope will be 100 times as powerful as the Hubble. It will change how we see the universe.
Exploring strange new worlds. Understanding the origins of the universe. Searching for life in the galaxy. These are not the plot of a new science fiction movie, but the mi
By Harry Howard, History Correspondent For Mailonline
Published: 11:05 EDT, 12 October 2021 | Updated: 12:22 EDT, 12 October 2021
On October 14, 1947, a unique, terrifying sound pierced the air above California's Mojave desert.
US Air Force pilot Chuck Yeager
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DUBLIN , June 14, 2022 /PRNewswire/ -- The "Manufacture and Wholesale of Basic Iron and Steel in South Africa 2022" report has been added to ResearchAndMarkets.com's offering.
Increasing freight logistics costs and supply disru
Idiosyncratic pickups pull this slimline Gretsch along unexpected tone trajectories.
Unique, idiosyncratic pickups. Tidy construction. Top-notch playability.
Some tuning instability with Bigsby use. Some players will miss classic P-90 trebles.
Gretsch G2622T-P90 Streamliner