The No Man’s Sky Endurance Update is labeled by Hello Games as its biggest update this year. Learn more from this NMS Endurance Patch Notes.
Freighters, frigates, and fleets get a massive overhaul in No Man’s Sky’s 20th major free update and its biggest one this year: Endurance.
First introduced in the Foundation update, frigates are mid-sized starships that usually comprise the bulk of a fleet, and are usually found surrounding the much-larger freighters. They come in five different types based on their main specialization: Support, Exploration, Industrial, Trade, or Combat. A player can own up to thirty frigates when owning a freighter and can be sent to expeditions to other star systems.
In the Endurance Update, players can now live and work aboard their frigates and freighters, together with their crew. A new bridge introduces a wide range of quality of life improvements, including quick access to warping and teleportation. Players can now build vast freighter bases, unlike anything we’ve seen before the Endurance update, with specially-themed areas and new features for growing food and manufacturing, along with new technology that will aid your exploration of uncharted planets.
Asteroids also get a touch-up in Endurance, which are now more varied and are found in larger quantities in vast fields of asteroid belts. There are also new Interstellar-style black holes, nebulae, and space atmospherics to explore. Not feeling outgoing? Players can also build exterior sections to their freighters, like balconies, to be able to admire them from afar, or even enjoy them from windows and portholes that you can now construct inside your freighters.
The No Man’s Sky Endurance update introduces a new expedition, “Polestar,” which focuses on a capital ship voyage, as well as new combat-focused Nexus missions. Players also stand to gain new loot through a new Twitch Drops campaign, which includes a lot of cool new helmets and fighter ships players can earn.
In celebration of the Endurance update, Hello Games is also releasing another set of their woven expedition patches and a re-run of their No Man’s Sky-themed playing cards. These can be found on the Merch Store.
No Man’s Sky is currently out on PC, Xbox, and PlayStation, and will soon also arrive on the Nintendo Switch this October.
Dramatically expand your capital ship in update 3.94, ENDURANCE! Introducing deeper and more varied freighter base building, including exterior platforms and catwalks; enhanced nebulae and deep space storms; fleets of organic frigates; and so much more!
No Man’s Sky Endurance Update: Capital Ships
No Man’s Sky Endurance Update: Freighter Base Components
No Man’s Sky Endurance Update: Organic Ships and Frigates
No Man’s Sky Endurance Update: Base Building
No Man’s Sky Endurance Update: Visual Improvements & Space Atmospherics
No Man’s Sky Endurance Update: Asteroids
No Man’s Sky Endurance Update: Missions
No Man’s Sky Endurance Update: Quality of Life
No Man’s Sky Endurance Update: Twitch Campaign
No Man’s Sky Endurance Update: Polestar Expedition
No Man’s Sky Endurance Update: Bug Fixes
For more on No Man’s Sky, click here.
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