Biden to Require US-Made Steel, Iron for Future Infrastructure Projects

2022-05-21 02:43:00 By :

The Biden administration laid out requirements on Monday for how projects funded by the $1 trillion bipartisan infrastructure law source their construction material. The 17-page guidance presented by the administration requires that all materials purchased for infrastructure projects be made in the U.S.

The requirements were included in the bipartisan infrastructure package that became law in November 2021, stating beginning May 14 “none of the funds” allocated to federal agencies for projects may be spent “unless all of the iron, steel, manufactured products, and construction materials used in the project are produced in the United States,” according to Monday’s 17-page guidance.

Biden said that the estimated $700 billion devoted annually to procuring goods is supposed to prioritize U.S. suppliers, but that historically, regulations have either “been watered down” or applied in ways that masked the use of foreign imports.

The administration did not specify what percentage of construction material for existing infrastructure projects is U.S.-made, though the government is spending $350 billion on construction this year. However, new guidelines would enable government officials to know how many dollars go to U.S. workers and factories.

In November, it was estimated that the infrastructure framework would bring to Arkansas more than $3.6 billion in funding for highways, roads and bridges.

President Biden has been working on a plan for federal agencies and companies to “buy American” for products and services in an effort to ease supply chains. The administration reportedly hopes the new requirements will create more jobs, ease supply chain strains and reduce reliance on other nations with interests that diverge from America’s.

READ ALSO: U.S. Steel Doubles Down on Arkansas

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