July 07, 2022 09:00 ET | Source: Recharge Resources Ltd. Recharge Resources Ltd.
VANCOUVER, British Columbia, July 07, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Recharge Resources Ltd. (“Recharge” or the “Company”) (RR: CSE) (RECHF: OTC) (SL5: Frankfurt) is pleased to announce increased Magnesium levels from re-assays at its 100% owned Pinchi Lake Project located approximately 20 kilometres northwest of Fort St. James and 120 km northwest of Prince George in central British Columbia. Re-assays with increased maximum thresholds for Magnesium were conducted to determine the true high grade have resulted in increased Magnesium levels, up to a high of 27.16% from its previously announced sampling results which had surpassed the previous threshold of 15% on the assay data set used for sampling.
Additionally, the Company plans to explore the opportunity for carbon capture from the ultramafic rocks like those found at the Pinchi Lake property that host magnesium and nickel-rich mineralization which can be among the largest carbon capture and storage reservoirs on earth according to recent studies by UBC, FPX Nickel, Inomin Mines and Natural Resources Canada. Ultramafic mine tailings can be reactive to carbon dioxide (CO2), and therefore have the potential to reduce or eliminate the greenhouse gasses (GHG).
Recharge Resources CEO and director, David Greenway, states, "We are encouraged by the increased magnesium levels at Pinchi lake and continue to create value through our entire portfolio of battery metal assets in one of the most promising battery metal markets in history. With multiple active exploration programs along with global clean energy initiatives, Pinchi Lake and the elevated magnesium content presents a great opportunity for further exploration.”
Background of Carbon Capture from Ultramafic Rocks
The tests, carried-out by researchers at the University of British Columbia (UBC) in combination with Inomin Mines Inc., demonstrate that samples from the Inomin’s 2021 critical mineral discovery, contain key minerals that sequester CO2 from the atmosphere. Recharge will look to draw comparisons at its Pinchi Lake property. See Press release Here
Prior to Inomin’s recent studies FPX Nickel, a company exploring the Decar Nickel District with claims covering 245 km2 of the Mount Sidney Williams ultramafic/ophiolite complex, 90 km northwest of Fort St. James in central British Columbia, roughly 60 kms from Recharge’s Pinchi Lake Property, has also been studying the carbon capture potential from ultramafic rocks. Since 2016, FPX has led research on technologies that maximize the reaction between CO2 and brucite (a highly CO2 - reactive mineral form of magnesium hydroxide) present in the host rock at the Company's Decar Nickel District, and at its secondary properties in British Columbia and the Yukon. In a natural process called carbon mineralization, CO2 reacts with brucite, and to a much less extent with serpentine minerals, in the tailings and waste rock, binding the CO2 in a benign, solid magnesium carbonate which is stable on a geological time scale. See Press Release Here.
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3 Zones of Sampling at Pinchi Lake Property
Initial Assay Results from Pinchi Lake Sampling
A total of 42 rock samples were collected from the Murray Ridge Property during the 2021 exploration programs. Rocks were placed in clear poly bags, labelled with sample identification, and packed into rice bags. A chain of custody record was established and secured with the shipment, which was taken from Smithers, BC to SGS Labs in Burnaby, BC via Bandstra Transport.
In the assay lab rocks were weighed, fine crushed, screened and split. Rocks were analyzed by Multi-acid (Four acid) digestion with ICP-OES finish (SGS method ICP40Q12) for 33 elements including Ag, Al, As, Ba, Be, Bi, Ca, Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Fe, K, La, Li, Mg, Mn, Mo, Na, Ni, P, Pb, S, Sb, Sc, Sn, Sr, Ti, V, W, Y, Zn and Zr.
Quality control procedure was implemented for sample batches involving the insertion of standards and blanks. In addition to internal laboratory standards, three (3) reference material and blanks were inserted randomly into the flow of rock sample analysis. The results of the control samples are within the accepted parameters for accuracy, precision, and overall performance of the certified materials. Analytical standards used were from CDN Resource Laboratories Ltd., Langley, BC, and ORE RESEARCH & EXPLORATION (OREAS), Victoria, Australia.
Nickel values locked within silicate minerals are not economically recoverable with presently available technology. Davis Tube analysis is a method of magnetic separation used to determine the proportion of nickel that occurs within awaruite, a natural nickel-iron alloy that is easily recoverable.
A total of thirty rock samples collected from the three claims were selected to undergo magnetic separation through Davis Tube analysis separation by SGS Laboratories in Burnaby, BC. Samples were selected based on highest nickel values reported in original ICP-AES/MS assays. A 40-gram subsample was passed through the Davis Tube and agitated for four minutes. Magnetic concentrate was then collected, filtered, dried and weighed. An approximately 10 g subsample of the Davis Tube concentrates was analyzed by XRF. In total 20 of the 30 samples reported no recovered magnetic fraction indicating low quantities of magnetic minerals in these samples. In samples with magnetically recovered fractions, nickel values of the magnetic portions range from 0.19 to 0.46% nickel, with Davis Tube Recoverable (DTR) nickel values ranging from 0.002% to 0.021%.
Samples containing magnetically recoverable nickel collected on the Murray Ridge Property appear to demonstrate elevated DTR nickel is highest in the Pinchi Lake Nickel claim group. Of the samples submitted, nine from the Pinchi Lake Nickel group contained between 0.002-0.007% DTR nickel.
Elsewhere on the Property overall DTR nickel values are relatively low and only one single sample within Pinchi Mt. Nickel claims returned sufficient magnetic fraction for analysis. The highest value of DTR Ni was collected from Pinchi Mt. Nickel Claim which returned up to 0.021% DTR from an outcrop of fine grained, strongly magnetic, and pervasively serpentinized ultramafic. None of the samples collected from Pinchi Lake Nickel East claims contained sufficient magnetic content for DTR analysis.
James M. Hutter, P.Geo, a qualified person as defined by National Instrument 43-101, is responsible for the technical information contained in this release. Readers are cautioned that the information in this press release regarding the property of FPX Nickel Corp. is not necessarily indicative of the mineralization on the property of interest.
About Murray Ridge (Pinchi Lake)
The Murray Ridge and Pinchi Lake nickel projects are located approximately 15 to 30 kilometres northwest of Fort St. James and 120 km northwest of Prince George in central British Columbia. The project was previously explored by Nanton Nickel Corp. The projects consist of three separate claim blocks totalling 3,917.326 hectares (9,679.92 acres) that were carefully selected to cover the best sampling results (greater than 0.20 per cent nickel in rocks) reported by Nanton Nickel Company in 2013 shortly after the discovery of the Decar nickel property owned FPX Nickel Corp. Awaruite was confirmed to be a constituent of the nickel values.
The Decar nickel project geology which lies 60 km southwest is an analogous suite of ultramafic intrusions that are hosts to widely disseminated coarse grained awaruite mineralization. Compositionally, awaruite (Ni2Fe-Ni3Fe) comprises approximately 75 per cent nickel, 25 per cent iron and 0 per cent sulphur, and therefore it is considered natural steel. Absence of sulphur allows a concentrate to be shipped directly to steel mills without incurring smelting and refining costs, and minimal environmental problems. For further details on the project refer to the company’s website or to the company’s press release dated August 3rd, 2021.
Pinchi Lake Nickel: https://recharge-resources.com/projects/murray-ridge-pinchi-lake/#Summary
Recharge Resources is a Canadian mineral exploration company focused on exploring and developing the production of high-value battery metals to create green, renewable energy to meet the demands of the advancing electric vehicle and fuel cell vehicle market.
On Behalf of the Board of Directors,
For further information, please contact:
Recharge Resources Ltd. Mr. Joel Warawa Phone: 778-588-5473 E-Mail: info@recharge-resources.com Website: recharge-resources.com
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Disclaimer for Forward-Looking Information Certain statements in this release are forward-looking statements, which reflect the expectations of management regarding Recharge’s intention to continue to identify potential transactions and make certain corporate changes and applications. Forward looking statements consist of statements that are not purely historical, including any statements regarding beliefs, plans, expectations or intentions regarding the future. Such statements are subject to risks and uncertainties that may cause actual results, performance or developments to differ materially from those contained in the statements. No assurance can be given that any of the events anticipated by the forward-looking statements will occur or, if they do occur, what benefits Recharge will obtain from them. These forward-looking statements reflect managements’ current views and are based on certain expectations, estimates and assumptions which may prove to be incorrect. A number of risks and uncertainties could cause actual results to differ materially from those expressed or implied by the forward-looking statements, including Recharge’s results of exploration or review of properties that Recharge does acquire. These forward-looking statements are made as of the date of this news release and Recharge assumes no obligation to update these forward-looking statements, or to update the reasons why actual results differed from those projected in the forward-looking statements, except in accordance with applicable securities laws.